The goals of a communications plan start with answering the question; “Why do we need to communicate?” Don’t the key policy makers and decision makers already realize that there is a problem? Communications efforts are directed at raising the awareness of a situation or changing the behavior of select audiences.
Resources, including time and money, are limited and there are many competing interests for those resource. Raising the level of awareness of the issue is necessary if policy makers or decision makers are going to pay attention to your problem/issue. If you wish for your issue to be given the attention it deserves, clear, distinct goals need to be established.
“If you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there but you won’t know when you have arrived”.
Often the goals are stated in the action(s) or change (s) of behaviors that are desired by the target audiences.
Example: Goals/Objectives
- Designation of the Mayfield neighborhood as a redevelopment area by city council.
- Allocation of $500,000 of Neighborhood Stabilization funding for the renovation of homes in the neighborhood.
- Private investment returning to the neighborhood.