Archives: Research

Cost of Rural Homelessness (State of Maine/CSH, 2009)

This study looks at public service use among 163 chronically homeless adults with disabilities. Researchers compare the frequency with which participants used various medical services -- for the six months before and six months after supportive housing placement.

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Housing Is HIV Prevention and Health Care (NAHC, 2008)

This PowerPoint presentation summarizes findings from the National Housing and HIV/AIDS Summit, a series of conference put on by the National AIDS Housing Coalition. It offers a wealth of information on the cost and health benefits of housing for people with HIV/AIDS.

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The Roadmap for the Washington Region’s Future Economy (GMU CRA, 2015)

The Roadmap research team identified the private-sector industries best positioned for growth in our region based on our competitive advantages, and interviewed over 30 of the region's top business leaders to better understand what it'll take to maximize the potential growth of these industries in Greater Washington over the next decade.

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