Archives: Research

Findings from a Pilot Study of Homeless Dually Diagnosed Adults (Central City Concern, 2006)

This report, written by Thomas L. Moore, compares the costs of homelessness to the costs of supportive housing in Oregon. In particular, the study evaluates 34 tenants enrolled in the Community Engagement Program (CEP). Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with tenants to gauge their use of public systems such as emergency rooms and hospitals -- both before and after enrollment in housing.

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Supportive Housing in Illinois: A Wise Investment (Heartland Alliance, 2009)

This study evaluates a number of cost and quality-of-life measures associated with supportive housing in Illinois. Conducted by the Heartland Alliance Mid-America Institute on Poverty (MAIP), the report quantifies the behavioral changes of 177 supportive housing residents for the two years before and the two years after entering housing.

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