


PLAYBOOK will be receiving a major update in the near future. This update will include a full redesign of the toolkit to increase ease-of-use and to better reflect the diverse range of housing solutions currently implemented across Virginia’s localities.

Be sure to subscribe to our email list to be the first notified when PLAYBOOK is updated.


HousingForward Virginia offers PLAYBOOK as a resource for policy makers, housing advocates, and others interested in affordable housing. PLAYBOOK is a comprehensive inventory of affordable housing policies and programs within Virginia. PLAYBOOK provides the name and description the affordable housing policy or program and, optionally, additional details about the policy or program including local contact.

Affordable housing policies and programs can be searched by broad affordable housing policy categories. Related affordable housing policies and programs are grouped under 23 broad housing policy categories (policies and programs may be included in more than one category). In addition, affordable housing policies and programs can be searched by Virginia cities and counties.

There are two approaches for using PLAYBOOK. One approach is from the perspective of having an interest in affordable housing policies or programs and wanting to know which localities in Virginia have them. From the drop down menu next to Choose Housing Policy Category, choose the broad category that you believe best suits your particular affordable housing policy or program of interest. To see which localities have policies within your chosen category, keep or choose “All Localities” from the drop down menu. The second approach is from the perspective of wanting to know the affordable housing policies and programs for a particular locality in Virginia. From the drop down menu next to Choose Housing Policy Category choose either “All Categories” or a particular broad category. Then choose your locality of interest from the drop down menu next to Choose Locality to View.  To see all the affordable housing policies and programs in the inventory for all available Virginia localities, keep or choose “All Categories” and “All Localities”. You can also select multiple broad categories:

  • Windows: Hold down the control (ctrl) key.
  • Mac: Hold down the command key.

To get additional info about a program or a policy, click on the corresponding row in the table.

The data update is under way.

Choose Locality to View: 

Choose Housing Policy to View:


For changes or additions to the programs listed please email us and put PLAYBOOK in the subject line.


Statewide Map of the Incidence of Affordable Housing Policies and Programs

This map shows the Incidence of Affordable Housing Policies and Programs for Virginia Counties and Independent Cities. Darker shading indicates a larger number of policies or programs while lighter shading indicates a smaller number. For area specific housing affordability information, use the drop down menus above to access policy or program details.

PLAYBOOK is made possible through the generous support of: