About Playbook
HousingForward Virginia offers Playbook as a resource for policy makers, housing advocates, and others in affordable housing with a resource to better understand and compare the tools available to address housing challenges. Playbook is a series of investigations into housing policies, programs, and issues across Virginia. Each Playbook may look completely different from one another in how they are structured or how much information is collected. But the purpose of each Playbook is to highlight the range of ways housing challenges are being tackled in Virginia and the ways that we can improve solutions.
Land Use & Zoning
In Virginia, zoning is wielded in vary degrees to address a multitude of community issues, especially housing supply and diversity.
Additional Playbooks are on their way, including a Short-Term Rental (STR) and Inclusionary Zoning Playbooks.
Help us help you.
Developing and maintaining Playbook takes time and effort. If you want to support this work and help us prioritize it, please consider donating to HousingForward Virginia.