Archives: Research

Addressing Housing as a Health Care Treatment (NHC/MacArthur, 2015)

Hennepin Health, a Hennepin County, Minn. Accountable Care Organization, is a new kind of health care delivery organization focusing on integrating social services into health care. Serving non-disabled, low-income adults enrolled on Medicaid, Hennepin offers housing navigation services and case management to help members find stable and affordable housing.

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Does School Mobility Place Elementary School Children at Risk for Lower Math Achievement? (Developmental Psychology, 2015)

This research, which involved children enrolled in the Chicago public school system, was published in the APA journal Developmental Psychology®. It shows that children who experienced fewer school transitions over a five-year period demonstrated greater cognitive skills and higher math achievement in early elementary school, relative to their counterparts who changed schools frequently.

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Collaborating with Housing Quality Stakeholders to Reduce Home Health Risks (NHC/MacArthur, 2015)

Lead poisoning, often resulting from exposure to lead paint in older homes, poses a serious health threat to children. The Georgia Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (GHHLPPP) uses Medicaid and other funding to carry out blood lead testing, home lead hazards assessments and education to prevent lead poisoning among low-income children. GHHLPPP will soon begin piloting home asthma risk assessments for children with severe asthma.

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