Montgomery County Council Staff examined the MPDU law and the regulations which implement the program as well as related housing, planning, and economic developmetn policies and programs.
In this policy brief, the NYU Furman Center considers whether the creation of a new property tax subsidy program aimed at maintaining affordability in buildings that currently provide affordable rents could be attractive to owners.
Reconnecting America and the National Housing Trust identified federally assisted affordable housing located in close proximity to existing or proposed public transportation in 8 cities for analysis: Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New York City, Portland, St. Louis, and Seattle.
Practitioners and community advocates working at the intersection of housing and health have a unique role to play, both in guaranteeing quality affordable housing remains available for people of all incomes, and in making sure new investments in neighborhoods contribute to a healthy environment.
This research working paper uses the lifecycle cost methodology to compare the total cost of developing and maintaining multifamily affordable rental housing over a 50-year period using either acquisition-rehab or new construction.
The National Housing Preservation Database was created by the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) in an effort to provide communities with the information they need to effectively preserve their stock of public and affordable housing.
This research focuses on three areas: (1) the sorting of housing choice voucher recipients into different neighborhoods and variation in neighborhood sorting by automobile ownership, (2) the role of transportation in voucher users’ residential choices, and (3) how transportation access and residential location choice influence economic opportunity.
Drawing on the best available research and model programs from across the country, this toolkit is designed to provide practical advice for a variety of different types of organizations.
The purpose of this research is to describe different types of housing mobility programs that help housing voucher holders move to better neighborhoods, and to provide recommendations for how a mobility demonstration should be structured.