Inclusionary Zoning Expands the Below-Market-Rate Housing Stock (HUD, 2016)
This HUD case study shows how San Francisco successfully utilized inclusionary zoning policies that ushered in more affordable housing options for its residents.
Read MoreThis HUD case study shows how San Francisco successfully utilized inclusionary zoning policies that ushered in more affordable housing options for its residents.
Read MoreRecent literature on doubled-up families in the US has focused on households that take in and provide support for adult children or economically displaced relatives. From recent American Community Survey (ACS) data, however, Fannie Mae finds that in a growing number of households, a substantial proportion of total income comes from additional adults other than the homeowner / head of household or their spouse.
Read MoreThis NHC profile assesses a Medicaid managed care organization’s $20 million investment in an affordable housing development in Phoenix, Arizona to tackle the severe affordable housing needs of their low-income members and the community.
Read MoreBy 2035, more than one in five people in the US will be aged 65 and older. This growth will increase the demand for affordable, accessible housing that is well connected to services far beyond what current supply can meet. This Harvard JCHS report explores the future of older Americans.
Read MoreIn this paper, Tiffany Manuel, PhD and Nat Kendall-Taylor, PhD lay out the challenges that advocates face and use new research to put forward evidence-based messaging recommendations that can be used to advance a strong affordable housing and community development agenda.
Read MoreA profile of the Eden Housing collaboration with the Partnership for Children and Youth by the National Housing Conference.
Read MoreThis Urban Institute article takes a look at a San Diego-area development that serves as a case study for multigenerational affordable housing.
Read MoreA report from the Center for American Progress examines the characteristics of extended families and their housing conditions. The report also articulates policy recommendations that will spur the creation and preservation of affordable housing for extended families.
Read MoreA study by Cheryl Young of Trulia found that low income housing funded by the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) did not impact the value of nearby homes. Her analysis included 3,083 LIHTC developments in 20 of the least affordable housing markets.
Read MoreNLIHC's report Housing Spotlight: The Long Wait for a Home is about Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) and Public Housing waiting lists.
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