ResearchThe State of the Nation’s Housing, released annually by the Joint Center for Housing Studies, provides a periodic assessment of the nation’s housing outlook and summarizes important trends in the economics and demographics of housing.
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ResearchThis Center for American Progress report highlights the mechanisms through which community land trusts provide and protect long-term affordable housing for lower-income families. The report then discusses the CLT model’s potentials and benefits and evaluates the important barriers that affect the capacity and scalability of CLTs.
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ResearchThis Bipartisan Center report looks at how communities across the country must make meeting the needs of their older residents a priority consideration as they plan for the future.
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ResearchThis 2015 Harvard JCHS report takes a look at the changes in the rental housing market and what that means for affordable housing as a whole.
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ResearchThe Housing Assistance Council developed a snapshot of older veterans in the United States and their social, economic, and housing characteristics.
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ResearchAn analysis of research and empirical data on the viability of inclusionary housing programs finds that such programs can succeed at producing quality affordable housing and do not lead to significant declines in overall housing production or increases in market-rate prices.
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ResearchResidential segregation by income has increased during the past three decades across the United States and in 27 of the nation’s 30 largest major metropolitan areas, according to a new analysis of census tract and household income data by the Pew Research Center.
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ResearchAnalyzing the most recent data from the American Community Survey and American Housing Survey, Johns Hopkins University graduate student Philip M.E. Garboden pinpoints a “Double Crisis” in Baltimore’s affordable rental market: an income crisis and a rent crisis.
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ResearchThe State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods report, published annually by the NYU Furman Center, provides a compendium of data and analysis about New York City’s housing, land use, demographics, and quality of life indicators for each borough and the city’s 59 community districts.
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ResearchThe Harvard JCHS developed three surveys of homeowners, renters, and contractors with the goal of comparing their perceptions and priorities to the current well-established principles of indoor air and environmental quality in order to begin assessing Americans' healthy housing concerns and awareness.
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